So, for the month of March in our home we've been celebrating "Marchstacheness" instead of March Madness...but trust me...there's been some madness going on. Where do we start...at the beginning of the month Blair and his friend Seth decided to have friendly little competition to see who could go the longest without shaving. When the terms and conditions where being worked out the boys decided to see if they could go the whole month without shaving and then they could shave at the beginning of April. Well, I'm so proud to say that both boys have made it! And enter the madness portion of this story...Blair has decided that he actually LOVES his stache and doesn't think he's going to shave it FOOOREEEEVVVVERRRR (suppose to be read like Squints says in Sandlot). I've tried to hold certain consequences over his beady little head...but nothing seems to be working! Am I going to be living with Jeremiah Johnson for the rest of my life? Stay tuned!