Out of difficulties grow MIRACLES.
~ Jean de la Bruyere
I'm not really sure how to begin writing about the journey we've been on the for the past few weeks. It's been such a short time, but already so much for us has started to change. I hesitate to share something that we believe is so sacred and of something so personal, emotional, special, honest and full of love...but I'm also so grateful that I want to shout it from the roof tops!
A few weeks ago Blair and I were told that we would be receiving the greatest gift ever...the gift of a beautiful baby boy and the next step in our eternal family. We've prayed for this blessing for so long; an opportunity to be a daddy and mommy to a healthy boy.
We have received the blessing of an angel named Ashley. She is the most amazing person we have ever met. Every time we see her we continue to be in awe of her. She's beautiful, strong, brave, selfless, loving, courageous. She's our hero. She also has the most amazing family who supports and loves her. As we continue to get to know them our love and respect for all of them grow.
We are so excited to bring this little miracle into our home. Our story gets to be different and we wouldn't have it any other way. We're so thankful for our Heavenly Father and for our testimonies that have grown through this experience. I now remember what having some faith feels like. I can't wait for the day that we get to take that little baby to the temple and become an eternal family. How lucky are we to have that promise?