So, for the month of March in our home we've been celebrating "Marchstacheness" instead of March Madness...but trust me...there's been some madness going on. Where do we start...at the beginning of the month Blair and his friend Seth decided to have friendly little competition to see who could go the longest without shaving. When the terms and conditions where being worked out the boys decided to see if they could go the whole month without shaving and then they could shave at the beginning of April. Well, I'm so proud to say that both boys have made it! And enter the madness portion of this story...Blair has decided that he actually LOVES his stache and doesn't think he's going to shave it FOOOREEEEVVVVERRRR (suppose to be read like Squints says in Sandlot). I've tried to hold certain consequences over his beady little head...but nothing seems to be working! Am I going to be living with Jeremiah Johnson for the rest of my life? Stay tuned!

Rob is so jealous Blair..... He LoVes Jeremiah!!!! Miss you guys Do you guys want to go to Chesterfield in a few weeks???
Honestly, I am not a fan of facial hair! Especially at the first stage when their face is extra scratchy! Then it's not so bad, but I can't get over the scratchiness! I tell Troy to go shave if it gets to that! :)
Nicky We just happened upon your blog! So fun. It was fun to see you at Chirstmas we will have to hook up again in Sept. when we come back! Our blog is
That is hilarious. Glade went through the same thing a couple of months ago. It started as a dare and then he decided he liked it. The only reason it didn’t last longer than a month and half was because he didn’t the feeling that he always had food on his stache. He was constantly wiping it. He said every time he ate half his food ended up in his beard and on his stach so he finally shaved thank goodness.
Nikki! I left you the longest comment on one of your other posts...it's so good to hear where you are, what you're up to, and that you are married to a man with a mustache! :)I'm with Alisha on the facial hair! Nick will get the 5 o'clock shadow and I hate that scratchiness feeling! Maybe it's better after that stage...but I won't let it go that far to find out! Anyway, I'm so glad you have a blog! The way class of 08' is going, we could have our class reunion in blog world!! CHHERS!
Ummm...I'm going crazy! I mean the class of 00'...I think it's past my bed time!!! :)
So if enough people vote for the facial hair to go do ya think he would shave it!!! Jeremy is always trying different "looks" with his facial hair! But I'm not a fan either! Good Luck! LOL
Sexy ;) My hubby grew one of those once. I didn't mind it except that when we kissed hi facial hair kept getting in my mouth! See ya soon and hope you had a great spring break.
Looks like you are in a "hairy" situation. (I know, I'm funny). Glad to see you stopped by my blog. It has been forever, but i love checkin in to see what you're up to!
Hello! How are you doing? I have not talked to you in forever!
Nate Archibald here... How the heck have you been?
Looks like you are doing great! Fill me in on your life when you get a minute.
Hey guys
Dave says "Yea Grizzley Adams has a beard"! Grizzley Adams does have a beard!- Happy Gilmore
Love ya!
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