Blair. Nikki. Crew

Friday, January 30, 2009

Highly Recommended....

A couple nights ago we splurged and went to the cheap theater to see Australia. It was AMAZING!! We both highly recommend this movie, and it's one that's worth buying on DVD because you could watch it over and over. Blair and I walked out of the theater commenting on how they just don't make movies like that anymore. Great movies, with a great story line, great actors, etc. It was epic!!
I thought Nicole Kidman was great! And Hugh Jackman was AMAZING and VERY easy on the eyes! "The Drover" is a man's man...very nice. Then he gets all cleaned up for a ball in town and boy oh boy.....very nice! It doesn't get much better than the kiss in the rain!
Nuallah was the HIT of the show though! He is the cutest little thing I've ever seen. Those big brown eyes just made me melt. And he's got the cutest smile. He says some really funny things throughout the movie about "getting them bloody bulls in the big bloody metal ship" ... to cute!
So if your needing something to do this weekend take in this flick. You won't be disappointed! And it's probably at your local cheap theater so that's even better!


Lusks in LOVE said...

hey girl! We missed you guys yesterday! What are you up to this weekend?

Hewards said...

I've really wanted to see that movie but I've heard some different reviews. I trust your opinion, I think I'm gonna make sure I see it.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you liked it because I wanted Dave to take me to it but he had heard it wasn't very good... now I can tell him Blair like it! Hope all is well in the Goldade house!

Blair & Kristen Heward said...

Nikki- Hey I hope you don't mind but I found your blog through mutual bloggers. Anyway I had talked to your mom a few months ago she was asking me for some info on some things,anyway I told her if you had any questions to call me. So if you do have some questions or ANYTHING here is my email

sarefamily said...

Hey Nik- I made my blog private, so email me and I will send you an invite!! Haven't talked to you in forever!! I'll call ya soon!!

Lara Harris said...

So great to see someone write a good review of this movie!My husband and I loved it!Granted he is an Aussie and I lived there for over a year, but I think maybe people need to visit Australia to fully appreciate this wonderful film!