Blair. Nikki. Crew

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Christmas: Part One


I'm so excited for Christmas this year!! Who am I kidding, I'm excited for Christmas every year!!

This year I was a little behind with my Christmas didn't get finished until December 12th!!! My obsessive compulsive disorder was about driving me crazy thinking about the days ticking away and my trees weren't even out of the garage yet!!

I managed to drag all my (many, many) christmas decor totes upstairs one night. After unloading all the totes onto the floor, coffee table and couches I decided I was to tired that night to finish. I can't decorate right if I can't even think straight! Well, after a couple days of our house looking like Christmas decor had been puked everywhere Blair started to call me a hoarder. I managed to find time to do it since he was now referring to me as "Betty" (have you watched the show? She was a doozie.)

I got to watch Bronson one night while I was decorating so he got to help me. He helped me decide on the right place for everything. Can't you see the thrill in his eyes over all that Christmas decor!?!


The real meaning of Christmas...Man, I love my Nativity set.

My new BELIEVE sign...don't you just love it?!?! I do....

All our fun Christmas books and stories.

One of the reindeer lost his antler. I'm going to have to do some glue surgery.

Merry Christmas to you!!

1 comment:

Hewards said...

Your house is like the inside of Recollections ;) Wow!