I saw this on my friend Garianne's blog and loved it...so I STOLE it!!
I am: WOMAN!!
I think: about how I'm not ready for winter but I love this fall weather.
I know: how to do the Thriller dance.
I want: to go to IKEA and a new IPOD.
I have: a love for shopping!
I dislike: eating anything that lives in the water.
I miss: Grey's Anatomy...one more week!
I fear: snakes and spiders.
I feel: like going to ColdStone.
I hear: the Pussycat Dolls song "When I grow up" on my Itunes.
I smell: my Scentsy...Skinny Dippin' is my fav.
I crave: Senior Iguanas enchiladas.
I cry: When I watch the Notebook, P.S. I Love You and Oprah (sometimes).
I usually: like to stay up late and sleep in, although it doesn't happen often since I do this thing called WORK!!
I search: for house plans.
I wonder: If palm readers know what they're talking about...I hope so cause I've got some good things heading my way! =)
I regret: not going to the cabin as much this year.
I love: My Family and my doggy so much.
I care: about all my friends.
I always: love to buy totes, post-it notes, sharpies and ORGANIZE everything.
I worry: about getting our 3 month supply of food storage together.
I am not: messy.
I remember: being sequestered on jury duty...not fun!
I believe: in Santa!!
I dance: to Footloose weekly...and Michael Jackson songs too!
I sing: when I'm alone...no one wants to hear that!
I don't always: keep up on my scrapbooking.
I argue: with Blair for drinking my Red Bull!!
I write: Lists...I can't function without a daily list.
I win: never.
I lose: when I buy lottery tickets.
I wish: I was on a beach in Fiji.
I listen: To my IPOD.
I don't understand: how there can be no end to space...if I think about it to long I go crazy.
I can usually be found: Working.
I am scared: when I'm at the office at night by myself.
I need: more money!
I forget: to switch the clothes from the washer to the dryer!
I am happy: when I'm with my family.
Tag, you're it!! Jana, Aricca and Shelly
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
WOW....you gotta love it when a band from the 80's can still make you rock 20 years later! We had a totally RAD night taking in the Poison concert this year at the Eastern Idaho State Fair. Bret Michaels, C.C. Deville, Rikki Rockett and Bobby Dall put on quite the show. I immediately wanted to rush home and play Guitar Hero after watching CC at the strings, and he truley helped coin the phrase "hair band"...he had the best hair of any rockstar ever! Many of you know that I was, in fact, raised on a steady dose of Guns N' Roses, Lynard Skynard, Bon Jovi and Poison, just to name a few. So I was overjoyed at the thought of getting to see Poison live. Plus, although somewhat embarrassing to admit, I'm a HUGE Rock of Love with Bret Michaels fan. And you're all in luck...season 3 starts in January. Yes, you heard me...you can get your fill of white trash, rocker chicks in just a few short months! Once I passed along the exciting news to dad, he for sure was in for a night of rock...mom came too, although she was not as thrilled. She did get a kick out of how old those guys looked...cocaine doesn't seem to age a person real well. But with lots of makeup, heavy on the eyeliner, they can put up a front! Chad & Jenna also came and while I think they enjoyed themselves, I don't think they fully appreciated the coolness of this moment. Garrett and Shelly also got in on the action with us and had a great time. I will admit, the next day I felt like my ears were bleeding...they ached to bad! Talk about feeling like your getting old. I vowed to never attend another concert unless I had a get set of ear plugs!

I just couldn't keep my butt in my seat...especially during Unskinny Bop...but then again who can?

I just couldn't keep my butt in my seat...especially during Unskinny Bop...but then again who can?
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
A long awaited reunion!!

It's been much to long...we needed a get together. On Tuesday we drove from Dillon, MT straight to Burley (to much time to spend in a car!!) for a much anticipated reunion! My best friends from kindergarten and beyond finally got together! Troy, Adam and I were like the three musketeers, all my high school memories include those two in one way or another. Now we're all old married people who live across the country from each other...that makes get togethers few and far between. It was really exciting to find out that Troy and Brooke will be moving back to Logan from Florida. That means less distance and more get togethers...yeah!! I'm so glad that Troy and Adam married such awesome girls...they are so fun! And I lucked out because Blair and the boys totally hit if off before we were married, so it's fun for all of us to get together!

But a get together just wouldn't be complete without the life of the party...all the folks! All three sets of parents are the best of friends too. When there is a get together there's so much laughing I can't hardly handle it! So I have to give a big thank you to Troy and Brook for planning the get together, and for Geri and Brook for all the hard work and great food! We all had to much fun we decided this needed to be tradition!
Trip to Washington
We're are now referred to as Uncle Blair and Auntie Nik!! We just traveled to Washington last weekend to help welcome the newest addition to the Goldade/Helm family. Meet Graycie Mae Helm. She was born on August 15th to Blair's sister Megan and her hubby Jade. It was so fun having a baby in the house! She's the first grandchild so everyone loves to fuss over her. It was a fight to see who got to hold her next.

I threw a shower for Megan on Saturday. It was so fun! We had a great turnout and Megan got some dang cute stuff! Baby girls are so much fun! I was so excited because I found a Petunia Picklebottom diaper bag for Megan...I should have taken a picture of it...it's beautiful! The Queen of all diaper bags!

Can you get any cuter than this baby! I love her!

LOT'S of WORK!! But to much fun not to do! I did this diaper cake for the shower late Friday night. I enlisted the help of Blair and his mom and dad. We got laughing pretty hard trying to hold all those diapers together long enough to get them tied together. It was a fun little gift from the sis-in-laws, me and Shelly.

I threw a shower for Megan on Saturday. It was so fun! We had a great turnout and Megan got some dang cute stuff! Baby girls are so much fun! I was so excited because I found a Petunia Picklebottom diaper bag for Megan...I should have taken a picture of it...it's beautiful! The Queen of all diaper bags!

Can you get any cuter than this baby! I love her!

LOT'S of WORK!! But to much fun not to do! I did this diaper cake for the shower late Friday night. I enlisted the help of Blair and his mom and dad. We got laughing pretty hard trying to hold all those diapers together long enough to get them tied together. It was a fun little gift from the sis-in-laws, me and Shelly.

Weekend in Burley

Since Jenna is a cheerleader this year and it's her senior year, I really want to make it home to watch her as much as absolutely possible!! So I headed on over to Burley for the first home football game of the season. The new football field/turf was pretty impressive...although getting up some lights would be nice! It was fun getting to sing along with the old fight song and hanging out with the fam in the stands. Jenna looked so dang cute...I couldn't get enough of her! (she's in the middle of the back row) Sadly, Burley lost it's first game, but I have to say they didn't do to bad. Maybe Burley Football can make a come back someday. I decided to stay the night and head to Sun Valley on Saturday with my mom. The Burley Band and cheerleaders were invited to march in the Wagon Days Parade in Ketchum, so we headed up to watch Jen again. It was so fun getting up there again...especially during the Wagon Days Festival. I used to clog in the parade too so it brought back some fun memories. But being up there made me realize how much I missed living there. I used to move there for the summer months, and a month in the winter to nanny. I LOVED living there...we always had such a great time hiking, fishing, eating, shopping, etc. So I've included in here some pictures of the GREATEST place on earth to eat lunch...WrapCity. It's like the food of the gods!!! I seriously still crave it after all these years! I think that was really my main motivation in heading up there with my mom...so I could once again enjoy a Chicken Bacon Ranch wrap. My mouth is watering just looking at these pictures. So if any of you head to the Sunny Valley any time soon PLEASE make time to change your LIFE by eating a WrapCity wrap...I also recommend the Chinese Chicken Salad wrap...in one word....MIRACULOUS!!!!

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