3rd viewing and still ready for more!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
What happens in Vegas....

In the car on the way to the airport...all the excitement!
Turns out my drivers license was expired so I'm lucky they let me go. I just had to go through all the extra security. We arrived in sunny Las Vegas...I mean RAINY Las Vegas on Wednesday the 26th. We got checked in to our hotel room (at the Tuscany...SUPER nice place and just a block off the strip!) and proceeded to find a place to eat. We ended up at the Rio for the buffet and it was delicious! After dinner we decided to go check out Fremont Street in downtown Vegas. It was pretty fun with the light show on the ceiling but not much going on because of all the rain. After walking Fremont St. we headed back to the hotel for some Black Jack. I LOVE this game!! I think Blair gets a little worried when I walk into a casino. He's not a big fan of gambling so all my gambling balances us out. But I actually did pretty well and ended up coming home on top of what I started with.

Dad and Jenna enjoying the rain on Fremont Street.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Viva Las Vegas
Edward Junkie
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Once again...
So I just got home from my second viewing of Twilight. I'm already making plans to see it again Monday. I don't know if I'll be able to wait until the DVD comes out! It was fun the second time because I was over the unknown and I noticed more things. Like did anyone else notice that Stephanie Meyer made an appearance? I thought that was pretty cool. I also could study the other characters a little better because I wasn't just so focused on Edward...well okay, I was still focused on Edward! I really like Jasper for some reason...he just played out a little more for me this time. I'm just fascinated by all the Cullens. I wish I could pause the movie and just check them out! My favorite part is still when Edward drives Bella to school and they walk across the parking lot...the sunglasses are too much! I love it...
Anxiously awaiting midnight on Thursday!All the ladies waiting for the much anticipated unveiling on Thursday night
And I actually couldn't help myself...I thought he was real!! :) It's a good thing that it was 2:30 am and the only people around were on the same page!
PS I bought the soundtrack on iTunes and it's AMAZING!! I love it, I haven't been able to stop listening to it. So I highly recommend it!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Where do I even begin.....
Really, seriously...I got home at 3 am and couldn't sleep because I just kept thinking about EVERYTHING in the movie...and how irrevocably in LOVE I am with Edward!!! (wink!wink!)
There are about 3 things I am absolutly positive of....one, I loved every minute of it...two, I thought it was perfectly made...and three, I can't wait to see it again (SOON!!).

Okay, without giving anything away....this was the most amazing scene in the movie!! It was super hot and I wanted it to keep going! Only, I wished it was me there playing Bella. Watch for this scene....you'll love it! So much tension!!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Picture Tag

I can't believe he was that little...oh, my little baby! He's a monster now! We took a few breaks on the way down so he could get in and swim around. Once he gets in the water it's impossible to get him out...he loves it! We also take him in the fishing boat...but it's bigger and easier to keep him in. He usually just lays down and chills the whole time! Can ya tell he's kinda spoiled!?
I tag Jana, Shelly, Shamae and Kyra
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Happy Birthday!!

My good friend also stopped by with a birthday gift (which Ms. Hailey, you did not need to do!)...and I love my new ipod headphones and photo albums. I got some money from the folks...thanks mom and dad!! I got a mall gift card from the in-laws...thanks Bri and Lori! Shelly took me out for a girls afternoon complete with lunch at Chili's and pedicures. Shelly, you're a life saver...I needed a day of pampering! Blair got me a new Nikon Coolpix camera and I LOVE IT!! It's so nice! He also gave me a gift certificate (he also made that) good for one craft room! I'm so excited. He's going to fix up the room downstairs and turn it into a craft place for me! YAY!!!! I asked him how soon I could cash that in...I'm so pumped about it I don't know if I can wait! It was a great birthday...even if it did put me one year closer to 30! Thanks everyone!! I love you all!!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Carving Pumpkins

This is mine...I'm so artistic!

Just a little shot of Blair's and mine out on the step that night. It's been lots of years since I've done this and I forget how fun it is to light them up at nights!

Posing with my masterpiece! I'm so proud!

Just a pic of our front step. Thanks mom and dad for the super cute tiny straw bales and the pumpkins from the garden.

And just a little kiss goodnight. I was somewhat worried that some evil little devil may come by and steal them and horrifically smash them in the road...but so far my little pumpky is safe and sound. I remember one Halloween when I worked to hard to paint a pumpkin (it even had yarn for hair) and some super mean kids came and smashed it in the road...right in front of me! The tears immediately started pouring and my dad immediately started to scream and them and chase them down the street. It couldn't have been a pretty sight when he caught them! Thanks dad...for not letting my pumpkin die in vain!
Who Shot the Sheriff?
Lily (me): "Oh no...it's the Sheriff....he's been shot and killed and he's fell from the balcony!"
And so proceeded the mystery of who done it?

Blair was Woody Box, undertaker and part owner in the local grave digging business. Apparently, since the sheriff came into town and cleaned it up business has been a bit slow for Woody...not to many people dying in shoot outs anymore. That dang sheriff....messin' with Woody's business...could this be motive for shootin' the sheriff?

Lily White, who was having a passionate affair with the sheriff until he recently dumped her for a dancer in Lil's saloon, that little hussy Scarlet Oh'LahLah. Lily is now heartbroken...she loved that sheriff! Could this be motive for Lily to off the Sheriff?

Here's the fearless group of detectives. The banker Ace Lender (aka Brody) shot the sheriff. Turns out, the sheriff had robbed a bank a while back and hide the money under the bankers name in Dodge City Bank. If anything were to happen to the sheriff, 90% of the money was to go to the sheriff's mother and 10% was for the banker for taking care of the money. I guess ole' Ace got a little greedy and decided to get rid of the sheriff and keep all the money for himself...since he's the only one that knew it existed.

Looks like Lily got over that sheriff and all his tomfoolery pretty quickly and took up with Woody Box. I mean, who really can resist that mustache?
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Sweetheart Tag
WHO IS TALLER? um, Blair (6'6)
WHO CAN SING BEST ? Probably me...only when i'm alone driving or in the shower!!
WHO IS SMARTER ? I think we both think we're smarter than the other
WHO DOES LAUNDRY ? mostly ME...Blair doesn't quite understand the idea of "sorting colors"
WHO PAYS BILLS ? mostly me...he helps sometimes
WHO SLEEPS ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE BED ? Well, if you're laying the bed Blair does, but if you're looking at the bed...I do!! =)
Who mows the lawn? both of us. Neither one of us minds doing it.
Who cooks dinner ? ME...sometimes...not as much as I should
Who is 1st to Admit there wrong? Were both pretty stubborn, but he usually comes crawling back first!
Who kissed who first? Blair kissed me first
Who wears the pants? I like to make Blair think that he does...but we all know the wife does when it comes down to it!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Another FAB Retreat & Oh, yeah...opening day for hunting season...yipee!?

Here's our table as we're getting started...it didn't stay this orderly for even a second. We got tons of projects done...along with lots of eating and talking!! We only made it to 12:30 am before our brains were dead and we couldn't think anymore.

Here's Hailey showing a bit of her mad skills. This girl can whip out cards like nothing else.

We decided to dine at the Mayan after we left the retreat on Saturday. Hailey hadn't ever been so we had to give her the experience. It was actually better food this time than the last time I was there, and you gotta love the divers!
The retreat was awesome...but I must admit...the highlight of this trip is that I got to go to IKEA for the first time! It was crazy fun...I wanna go again ASAP! I loved it.
It worked out great that the retreat fell on that weekend because Blair spent his weekend hunting (of course) since it was opening season. He didn't get anything which means...I continue to be a "hunting widow" until the end of the season or until he gets one. He said "Well, I saw a lot of 2 points...but I'm waiting for a monster!" I say "Just shoot the 2 point and let's be done!"...until bear season anyway! I almost wonder if he doesn't shoot one the first day on purpose so he can keep going? I think these boys have figured that out. He did get snowed on though...thanks to the snowmobile trailer (sleeping quarters) and a wood stove they stayed warm, while at camp at least.
To good to be true!!

Step #1: I usually fry some chicken in olive oil and just season with salt and pepper. Then, fry up some corn tortillas and smear with sour cream. Load up with chicken (shredded).

Step #2: Smother with Herdez Verde sauce (green salsa, but the Herdez brand is best!)...the layer with some shredded cheese.

Step #3: Squeeze fresh limes (usually one slice with do a couple tacos) and top it off with lettuce and tomatoes (except I don't like tomatoes, I leave those off!)...and EAT!!
I can usually out eat Blair on Taco nights....I love them that much!! They are by far and away my favorite food!! If you give em' a try, let me know what you think!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Halloween Fun

This year I got some new witch stuff that is so cute because it's a lot of glitter and purple...a nice addition to only black and orange. There's also a lot of "wicked witch from the east" stuff with the red and white striped socks. It's super cute!

Basically for the next three months the decor in our house changes often. We go from Halloween to fall and Thanksgiving to CHRISTMAS!!! I think it's an addiction that I have for home decor...I can't seem to stop!
Brake for Breakfast

Wow! I'm kinda behind on bloggin...it's been a busy couple weeks. On October 1st Portneuf and the the hospital co-op held the 9th annual Brake for Breakfast. It's an awesome event that helps spread the word on breast cancer and health awareness. We figured that we had 2,000 people drive through this year. It's held on the hospital campus and there's a drive through where people can come get free breakfast, a packet of TONS of information on upcoming events and breast cancer awareness, and a cute pink cosmetic bag with a pink ribbon magnet for their car and a pink ribbon lapel pin. There were a few of us on the committee that planned and organized the event. That event alone kept me extremely busy for a couple months but I was proud to be a part of it. My morning started bright and early at 4 am. Well, actually not to bright that time of the morning...as you can see we were still in the dark when the event started at 7 am. The radio station came and did a live broadcast with lots of interviews from Oncologist and breast cancer survivors. That's me with Paul Anderson, the DJ for the morning show. He's a super cool guy and it was fun working with him that morning! All in all, it was a huge success. I was pretty fortunate to be a part of it. They were hinting that next year it may be MY event...I'm feeling a little sick about it already. It will be the 10th annual event so it's gonna have to be big...i'm already thinking of some fun stuff to do. We'll have to wait and see.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
TAG...you're it!
I am: WOMAN!!
I think: about how I'm not ready for winter but I love this fall weather.
I know: how to do the Thriller dance.
I want: to go to IKEA and a new IPOD.
I have: a love for shopping!
I dislike: eating anything that lives in the water.
I miss: Grey's Anatomy...one more week!
I fear: snakes and spiders.
I feel: like going to ColdStone.
I hear: the Pussycat Dolls song "When I grow up" on my Itunes.
I smell: my Scentsy...Skinny Dippin' is my fav.
I crave: Senior Iguanas enchiladas.
I cry: When I watch the Notebook, P.S. I Love You and Oprah (sometimes).
I usually: like to stay up late and sleep in, although it doesn't happen often since I do this thing called WORK!!
I search: for house plans.
I wonder: If palm readers know what they're talking about...I hope so cause I've got some good things heading my way! =)
I regret: not going to the cabin as much this year.
I love: My Family and my doggy so much.
I care: about all my friends.
I always: love to buy totes, post-it notes, sharpies and ORGANIZE everything.
I worry: about getting our 3 month supply of food storage together.
I am not: messy.
I remember: being sequestered on jury duty...not fun!
I believe: in Santa!!
I dance: to Footloose weekly...and Michael Jackson songs too!
I sing: when I'm alone...no one wants to hear that!
I don't always: keep up on my scrapbooking.
I argue: with Blair for drinking my Red Bull!!
I write: Lists...I can't function without a daily list.
I win: never.
I lose: when I buy lottery tickets.
I wish: I was on a beach in Fiji.
I listen: To my IPOD.
I don't understand: how there can be no end to space...if I think about it to long I go crazy.
I can usually be found: Working.
I am scared: when I'm at the office at night by myself.
I need: more money!
I forget: to switch the clothes from the washer to the dryer!
I am happy: when I'm with my family.
Tag, you're it!! Jana, Aricca and Shelly
Sunday, September 14, 2008

I just couldn't keep my butt in my seat...especially during Unskinny Bop...but then again who can?